Sunday, January 30, 2022


Have you ever started to make breakfast muffins and found you didn’t have a box of the Jiffy mix? Well, this morning I was in that spot and decided to figure out my own jiffy recipe.

Usually we eat very healthy due to having an adult son going through chemo therapy for stage 4 liver cancer. Learning to use food as medicine is part of a good cancer treatment. Food with all the additives can cause it so we just reverse the process. If you are interested in this type of eating check out Dr. William Li and the Angiogenesis Foundation. He is amazing and has researched a lot about using food as part of the medicial process.

But this weekend we are having one of the coldest spells of the season and all you want is warm comfort food. Not saying I don’t have a healty soup in the fridge for such a time as this but  this is what we call bulk up weekend for the son before his chemo on Monday. We have found that if he “trains” through eating a bulking type of diet like a football player, he does amazingly well with the side effects fo the chemo.

Now for the reason we are doing the muffin recipe. We in Florida are not comfortable when the weather dips below 50 degrees. So we look for foods that make us heat and LOTS of coffee. So muffins are perfect for this weather.

These muffins can be what YOU make of them. Julia Childs has a “basic” recipe but she is way to complex for me. To much sifting and separating. So I looked to see what I had and how close I could come to the Jiffy box mix but better. You can do the same thing. Make sure you have self-rising flour, an egg, and the rest is up to you. I used less sugar in these because I added strawberry preserves. If you don’t have jelly or preserves, double the sugar. If  you have vanilla, yum, another flavor, if you don’t it won’t be the end of the muffin. If you don’t have cinnamon then, oh well add chocolate chips or cocoa, don’t have any chocolate, then use peanut better (about a half a cup) or crushed nuts of some kind. Whatever you have will make a good muffin.

So if you need a good easy recipe, use the one I am adding here and you will be in muffin Heaven. There is no sin in eating these yummy treats to help keep you happy and warm until Spring brings back some nicer weather.

2 Cups of Self-rising flour

( you should always have this on hand, it’s easier than sifting and adding all the stuff that is already in it.)

1 egg

¼ Cup of Milk,

( You chose the kind or water if you don’t have milk)

1/8 Cup of Vegetable Oil

¼ Cup of Sugar

( If you are not adding fruit preserves or jelly you might want to double the sugar)

1tsp of Vanilla 

1tsp Cinnamon

½  Cup of Strawberry Preserves

Mix all together in a bowl until the dry ingredients are well mixed with the wet. Muffins need to be a lumpy batter not smooth.

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees, place batter in greased muffin tin and cook for 10 minutes. Now, check your oven and see if this works for you. I use an air fryer oven and it is hotter than my stove oven. So you may check your first batch and see if you need to move the heat up to 350 degrees. You don’t want them to cook to fast or they get dry. So experiment with your first batch.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we do. I made two batches just to get us through Sunday! ENJOY! 

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